Norham High School ARP (Additionally Resourced Provision) 

Norham High School has an Additionally Resourced Provision (ARP) for pupils with Language and Communication difficulties, including those pupils who are on the autistic spectrum. Norham have funded provision for 32 pupils, there are currently 32 pupils on roll.

Most pupils transfer from primary schools at the usual transition points but a small number of pupils transfer to Norham High School ARP having experienced difficulties in other mainstream high school, this can happen at any point throughout the year.

Curriculum Offer

Inclusion is of the upmost importance at Norham High School. Those pupils who can socially, emotionally and academically cope with the demands of a mainstream curriculum are supported to do so. Some pupils find this experience too challenging and require a higher, more autistic specific, approach to education which is delivered within the ARP. Some pupils access some lessons in the main school and others in the ARP. Timetables are personal to the specific needs of each pupil. Pupil progress is reviewed on a weekly basis.

The curriculum offer is reviewed on an annual basis and amended to meet the specific needs of the cohort of pupils.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum

Some pupils in the ARP have difficulties with basic literacy and these pupils access Read, Write, Inc. in addition to the English curriculum. This is responsive to the specific SEN needs of the pupils.

Pupils are taught maths by stage rather than age, pupils complete a pre and post-test to assess progress through the modules of study. Some pupils require further intervention, these pupils use: Numicon, Power of 2, Success@Arithmetic and Success@Number numeracy programmes.

Key Stage 3 pupils also follow the national curriculum for all other subject areas and are supported to access all appropriate areas of the curriculum. Pupils within the ARP need to be given opportunities to express themselves in ways which do not rely on language. The curriculum offer therefore fully incorporates creative and practical subjects including: art, PE, ICT, music and food technology. 

The development of life skills and social skills is a key focus of the ARP curriculum. Pupils are taught to develop their independent living skills in preparation for Post 16 life. Pupils follow a bespoke programme, designed in collaboration with multiple professional agencies, which supports the development of core skills for life across the curriculum and beyond. 

Key Stage 3 pupils also have the opportunity to attend swimming lessons at Tynemouth Pool each week. 

Key Stage 4 Curriculum

There are a small number of pupils who, by year 10, are still unable to access the mainstream curriculum. These pupils experience many barriers to learning and may have SEMH needs and/or cognition and learning difficulties alongside ASD or other language and communication difficulties. These pupils require a curriculum which meets their social, emotional and academic needs as well as preparing them to become independent adults in the Post 16 world. These pupils access:

Bespoke GCSE curriculum taught within the ARP

Alternative provision at the ‘Moving on Project’, when appropriate

Access to entry level qualifications, when appropriate 

Study towards the ‘Duke of Edinburgh Award’

Break and Lunch Support

At Norham High School we understand that breaks and lunchtimes can be difficult for some pupils. To support pupils at this time we offer full support for our ARP pupils during breaks and lunchtimes.

Pupils are supervised in the dining hall and afterwards. Pupils can play games, use the computer or play outdoor games supervised by familiar staff. Staff also run clubs around specific interests i.e. Arts and Crafts. Pupils are also supported to access the wider school activities clubs and are encouraged to do so. 

Pupil and Parent Views

"I can't believe the progress my son has made. When he started in Year 7 I would never have dreamed he would be sitting GCSEs" - Year 11 parent

“The support I receive from the ARP staff is excellent. I know I can pick up the phone with any problem and they will help." - Year 10 parent

"My son has settled so well. He has made new friends and has made good progress towards developing his social skills." Year 7 parent

“I wasn’t sure at first because my son has been out of a mainstream school for so long but sending my son to Norham is the best decision I have made. I can’t believe he will access some lessons in the mainstream this year.” - Year 8 parent

"I always feel supported. If I need help I know where to go to get it." - Year 10 pupil

Impact of the ARP – 2021 Results

100% of Year 11 pupils in the ARP have secured a suitable Post 16 provision 

100% of Year 11 pupils in the ARP sat between 6-10 GCSE’s

80% of Year 11 pupils in the ARP achieved at or above their target grades 

Our  Year 11 pupils have achieved 21 GCSE’s at Grade 5+ in 2021

One Year 11 pupil in the ARP achieved a Grade 9 in English Language – the highest possible grade 

Get in touch

If you would like to speak to us about how we can support your child, please contact: 

Mr. Greg Collins

ARP Associate Leader 

Mrs Joanne Pearson